Radio Sense

Radio Sense

About us

We are the home for your listening pleasure. Twenty-four hours every day, we bring you engaging Talk Shows, Life Experiences, worth-listening Perspectives, Enthralling Stories, Psychological discourse, Cinema, Art, Culture and more from all of India and around the globe. We call it Sensing the Stories. Our audience enjoys stories, fun, entertainment, and enlightenment 24/7 every day. Beyond entertainment, it is our core commitment to raise the voice of many unheard people. Through the Radio Sense internet radio station, everyday people get to share their stories and individual perspectives to our large and always-waiting audience. Also, we welcome audio recordings from our audience and fans and air them on appropriate dates so that the world can listen to your story in your own voice. To us, everyones perspective matters, and everyones story can motivate someone or offer lessons to many. You can listen to us anytime, any day on Simple Radio iOS app, online at or via our free iPhone, iPad and Android apps If you want us to broadcast your story, mail us at [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter @RadioSenseLive, Instagram @RadioSenseLive and like us on Facebook @RadioSenseOfficial. Vaibhav Patel (Founder)

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